Books, parenting, Review

‘I see me Mummy’ – Personalised books from Beans and Sparks


AS a mother of colour, I’m constantly on the look out for books that have characters who look like my children.

So imagine my delight when I heard about Beans and Sparks personalised books which immediately ticked lots of boxes for my family.

It may seem like a small thing, but seeing yourself in the books you read, the programmes you watch really shapes a child growing up.

The subscription books are designed to fuel your child’s imagination and take them on a journey of curiosity each month.

My two year old immediately pointed to his caricature on the envelope the book arrives in and you could clearly see his delight when I told him that was him.

With his name mentioned throughout the book, his delight continued as he took in the beautiful images and listened to me read.

Each month themes of travel, space, emotional wellbeing, science, creativity and stem, nature, kindness and friendship are explored in each book.

These books make a wonderful gift and I simply can’t recommend them enough.
