Film, Review

Shaun the Sheep Movie: Farmageddon – review

Missed having Shaun the Sheep in your life?

Well, fear not, the lovable woolly character is back with a new friend this October.

Returning to the big screen, this time around havoc is caused when a mystery visitor from another galaxy crash lands near Mossy Bottom Farm. And it’s left to Shaun and his pals to ensure the fun-loving alien Lu-La makes it back home.

Obviously their quest is not without mishaps along the way, especially with an overly keen Men In Black style agent hot on their heels.

It’s actually amazing how much fun you can have watching a feature length film with no actual proper words but I guess that’s part of its appeal to all the family.

We were lucky enough to be treated to a preview screening and my biggest fear was that my two-year-old toddler would not want to stay sitting in one place for the duration of the film.

A special visit from the film’s characters at a preview screening

But in the end – after a slightly rocky start when he got a tad anxious about the rather ominous music in the first five minutes – I was only forced to step out once to go and buy some popcorn!

To round up, I think when it comes to productions by Aardman Animations we as viewers expect a certain quality and type of humour – thankfully their latest offering does not disappoint.

Farmageddon hits cinemas October 18. Watch the trailer here.

Books, parenting, Review

‘I see me Mummy’ – Personalised books from Beans and Sparks


AS a mother of colour, I’m constantly on the look out for books that have characters who look like my children.

So imagine my delight when I heard about Beans and Sparks personalised books which immediately ticked lots of boxes for my family.

It may seem like a small thing, but seeing yourself in the books you read, the programmes you watch really shapes a child growing up.

The subscription books are designed to fuel your child’s imagination and take them on a journey of curiosity each month.

My two year old immediately pointed to his caricature on the envelope the book arrives in and you could clearly see his delight when I told him that was him.

With his name mentioned throughout the book, his delight continued as he took in the beautiful images and listened to me read.

Each month themes of travel, space, emotional wellbeing, science, creativity and stem, nature, kindness and friendship are explored in each book.

These books make a wonderful gift and I simply can’t recommend them enough.

Launch, parenting, Party, Showbiz

Saira Khan: ‘Your colour is your strength, it’s your power’ – The Media Mummy interview

SAIRA Khan is a woman who doesn’t mince her words.

Yep, I can definitely see why she’s perfect for the Loose Women panel and it was refreshing to chat to her about exactly how I should respond to my daughter who’s been asking why we get judged because of the colour of our skin.

As a fellow girl mum, I think Saira straight away understood my concerns and said passionately: ‘It’s never been a better time to be a woman of colour.  Your colour, your culture is your strength. It’s your power.’

It was lovely to bump into the former Dancing On Ice contestant at the launch of celebrity agent Melanie Blake’s new book, The Thunder Girls, and she added: ‘Now I’m being hired because of my colour.


‘I grew up in the 70s and there were not many Asians around – now I’m being hired because of my colour, because of my culture. Because I can bring something different to the conversation.

‘So I would say to her understand why you are different and be proud of it – and know that is an asset.
‘Never be a victim, as soon as you say ‘poor me’, you’ve lost the game.’

Sounds like great advice for every person of colour out there – not just my nine-year-old daughter!

And Saira also had some brilliant words for mums out there juggling work and home life…

‘Top tip – don’t ever feel guilty about working and being a mum – number one! Because those kids are growing up watching the fact that you are a super human being, that you are highly organised and that you are wonderful.

She went on: ‘It’s hard but I only think that’s because society wants to make it. As long as your kids are happy – they need to know that you can get up, sort breakfast out, sort them out, go to work, come back.

‘I want my children to know that work hard, means work hard – and that play hard, means play hard.

‘Don’t ever feel guilty about what you do. It’s good for them to see you doing it all.’

Food & Drink, Review, Uncategorized

Get More Vits – The Media Mummy Roadtest

AS the years go by, the list of vitamins recommended for your child seems to get longer and longer!

It would be lovely if little ones could get all of this through their meals and snacks, but if you have a fruit and veg avoider like me, it helps to have a bit of assistance.

We tried out the Get More Vits orange and mango water, with its blend of B vitamins, calcium and vitamin D, and it was a thumbs up from my nine year old daughter who enjoyed it cool from the fridge.

It’s good to know that the drink is also sugar-free, with the B vitamins supporting energy levels and the immune system, while the vitamin D and calcium is great for growing bones.

Also good to note that the bottle has a sports cap, which means less spills while you’re on the go.

Available from Ocado at £4 for five 330ml bottles.

Health, Launch, parenting, Party

Unicorn Fruit Flakes – yes, exactly that!

WHAT’S better than fruit flakes which make your kids happily have one of their five a day? Unicorn Fruit Flakes of course!

Children’s snack company Fruit Bowl helped put a smile on our faces as we attended the launch of their latest offering – and there was a real life unicorn there to greet us too.. well, kind of…

Obviously jumping on the unicorn bandwagon, but if it helps with your child’s daily fruit intake, I’m all for it.

The flakes are made from raspberry, strawberry and blackcurrant – and most importantly a packet contains the same amount of sugar found in one apple.

Currently available to purchase individually or in a multipack of five (£2 rrp) from Morrisons and Waitrose.


Race, Prejudice and my Daughter – the questions we parents have to answer

WHAT do you say when your child asks you why some people judge you because of the colour of your skin, or why there are those who simply don’t like the colour of our skin?

As a black mother I tried to answer as best I could but it’s heartbreaking that I should even have to have such a conversation with my nine-year-old daughter.


As your children get older, there are the obvious questions you expect to be asked – how to do their maths homework, the difference between boys and girls, sex(!) etc – but I never really prepared myself for this one.

But with the world as it is and battles still being fought by people of colour on a daily basis, it’s not a surprise she’s more than a little bit aware of such prejudice.

And it truly is a hard question to answer as any ‘reasons’ are so deep-rooted, even the people themselves can hardly give rational excuses for their dislike or hate…

I’ve brought up my daughter to love herself and the skin she’s in – one of the reasons I stopped chemically straightening my hair was to help show her how beautiful her natural locks are.

So luckily I do feel secure that my daughter already knows she’s got that #blackgirlmagic, cause she’s a bit sassy – just like her mama.

Books, parenting, Review

Reading With My Toddler

I LOVE the fact that both my kids enjoy reading. As a child I would read late into the night in bed – I’d do the same now but I struggle to keep my eyes open once my head hits the pillow!

So it’s lovely to see my toddler fascinated with a selection of books we were gifted by Quarto books from their enchanting words & pictures preschool range.


The three distinctive sets include the Tales From Nature series by Magali Attiogbe, the waterproof Bath Books and the Peep Through series – First Words and Count 123 – by Jane Ormes.

They’re all great books, but my son is currently particularly fond of the Peep Through board book First Words which feature bold colours, a range of words for little ones to grasp and sturdy pages with cut out shapes allowing tiny hands to easily turn pages on their own.


There’s also a balance of easy words to match to the images and some which take more thought, making it great for the development of your child’s vocabulary.

Like all the offerings, the bath books – Colours and Shapes – are fun and colourful, but this time perfect for a lull during splash time in the tub!



The Bee and Ladybird books have been added to the beautifully illustrated Tales From Nature series. The simple stories are a great introduction to nature for toddlers and encourage interest with windows and flaps dispersed throughout.

As a mum, what I particularly love about the board books is that as your child gets older, different aspects of the books will interest them as their vocabulary grows.

Beauty, Launch, parenting, Review

SheaMoisture’s Bath and Body Collection – review

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ARE you taking care of you? Yes, I’m looking at you!

The phrase ‘self care‘ is bandied around A LOT these days so we can’t help being aware of it – but are we really taking notice?

Self care isn’t always about the grand gestures – although I’m still waiting for my child-free holiday at some point this year! – sometimes it’s the little things that make a difference.

So when I was offered the chance to try out the award-winning SheaMoisture’s bath and body collection, I jumped at the chance to indulge in some much-needed pampering.

The African Water Mint & Ginger Detox and Fruit Fusion Coconut Water Energizing Bath, Body & Massage Oils, both smelt delicious but I was particularly drawn to the African Water Mint and Ginger Detox.

In all honesty, I wasn’t expecting to be able to find time to try them out in the bath – don’t worry, I shower every day, but a bath for this busy mum of two is the ultimate luxury!

But a bad back one afternoon, made me decide to take time out and run myself a bath and it was oh, so worth it!

I’ve since been using it as body oil and my skin is definitely reaping the benefits and is lovely and soft – I’ve also had many people compliment me on the fragrance.

SheaMoisture is an American company launching the collection into the UK for the first time and it appears to tick all the right boxes.

Organic and ethically sourced ingredients, free from animal testing – the Shea Butter itself comes from 15 women’s co-op in Northern Ghana, a business model which means 10% of sales support investments in these communities and co-op members are paid an ethical wage to ensure an elevated quality of life.

The Fruit Fusion Coconut Water Energizing Bath, Boy & Massage Oil is aimed at recharging tired-looking skin, with a combination of Dragon Fruit, Lychee Berry and Green Apple extracts. In addition Imbe Oil is added to protect and Aloe to encourage a healthy glow.

Both oils are available at Boots at a reasonable £11.99 – it lasts for ages, so you do get your money’s worth.

Books, Dance, Days out, Launch, Party, Review, things to do

Ladybird Live: Rhyme and Rave – Review


I recently tried to introduce my children to the world of old skool classics when we headed to Hoxton for a family-friendly rave party.

Helping Ladybird Books celebrate their relaunch Raver Tots provided the perfect setting to help us throw some shapes on the dancefloor.

There was music, confetti cannons, multi-coloured parachutes and interactive storytelling at east London’s Hoxton Square Bar and Kitchen, as herds of children of all ages and their parents shook their tail feathers.


Dark rooms and confetti might not be every child’s cup of tea, so it was great to have the slightly quieter rooms where they could chill out if need be.

My toddler was at times a little overwhelmed by the situation, so it was great for him to have the chance to play with some toys or do some colouring as an alternative to the hectic dance room.

Every child is different and there were some babies in the dance room clearly loving being bopped up and down to the beat of the music!

For more information, please visit



Sal’s Shoes – Giving New Life to Outgrown Shoes

WHAT do you do with your child’s outgrown shoes?

Shoes just don’t last but not always because they’ve been worn out, but simply because your child is growing at the speed of light (or close to!).

I recently heard about a lovely little charity called Sal’s Shoes, who help give outgrown shoes another life across the globe.

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Mum CJ, who spent much of her childhood in Ghana and Zambia, set up Sal’s Shoes to help match these outgrown shoes with needy children around the world, tracking their journey from start to finish.

CJ is mum to Sal – who the charity is named after – and Clemie, and it’s been a family affair for the trio with a recent visit to South Africa to personally hand out the one millionth pair of shoes.

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The charity’s motto is ‘outgrown not outworn’, and they follow the path of donated shoes from start to finish – an extra touch with allows kids to possibly see pictures of their shoes with their new owners.

If you fancy finding out more visit their website.


Days out, Review, things to do

The Horniman Museum – A Birthday Treat


WE recently spent the day at the Horniman Museum and Gardens in South London’s Forest Hill, trying to entertain my boy for his second birthday.

I chose the location as I’d often heard friends mention taking their children there, and with the aquarium and butterfly house on site, it seemed like a cost effective day out for the family.

The large taxidermy collection is a huge draw, but there’s also a room full of musical instruments which both my kids loved trying out.

The paid for exhibition on Lego called Brick Wonders was also popular. But I think that was because children were more interested in building their own creations from the pools of Lego available.

The aquarium and butterfly house also got the thumbs up, but the museum itself is well worth a visit even if you don’t opt for the paid for sections.

When the weather’s good, the garden can keep little ones occupied with lots of space to run around and even includes a musical section.

There’s a cafe on site serving hot and cold food – if you’re organised enough you can come with a picnic lunch to eat in the gardens.

Having lunch there helped break up the day for us and make it more manageable for toddlers prone to unpredictable meltdowns..!

I tried my best to get my son to nap before our visit but was unsuccessful, so our visit was interrupted by more than a few tantrums. Despite this a good time was had by all and we all slept extremely well that night!


Byhappyme Personalised Cutlery for Toddlers

My toddler turns two this month but he already behaves like he’s a big man!

He’s always been keen on feeding himself – we went along the baby-led weaning route and as a result he’s never really had us sit down and spoon feed him once he got the hang of it all.

But for a while now he’s been dismissing any kind of plastic cutlery we try to give him, and allowing him to handle a full-sized fork usually puts the fear of God into me, as I’m never quite sure how he’ll decide to use it..! Especially as he’s prone to the odd tantrum or two right now.

So trying out this cute personalised cutlery set from byhappyme couldn’t have come at a better time. The mini-sized set comes complete with a knife, fork and two different spoons and it’s just the right fit for my boy’s hands.

The fact that it’s personalised is a lovely touch and seeing it had my nine-year-old daughter turn slightly green with jealousy!

There are three different fonts for you to pick from for the lettering – I went for ‘short stack’ and you can choose from a teddy bear or animal set.

They come in a lovely box which also makes it perfect for christening and first birthday gifts.

Visit  to see their full range.

Launch, Toys

Be a Hero with Lego City


WHAT’s your child’s definition of a hero?

We spent a lovely day out at the London Transport Museum recently hosted by Lego, which explored children’s attitude to heroism.

And who better than Olympic gold medallist Greg Rutherford to head up the day dubbed #LEGOcityheroacademy.

A lifelong fan of Lego and dad to two boys, Greg admitted that one of the first things he did when he discovered his partner was pregnant was to go out and buy some Lego!

An interesting concept was how we can encourage heroic tendencies in our children through play – developing their imagination, building confidence and courage.


With Lego City kits they have the chance to build fire engines, police cars and other rescue vehicles and buildings.

It was great to also listen to the talk by child psychologist Dr Sam Wass (The Secret Life of 4 Year Olds) and see how Greg handled being on stage with his son Milo like a boss!




Health, parenting

C-Section Awareness Month – what’s my story?


Pregnancy photoshoot with my second child

As a mother you seem to get judged before you even give birth, all your decisions are scrutinised by friends, family and even people you don’t know.

What food are you eating? Are you eating enough? Are you eating too much?

What do mean you’re going to the gym? (Lol, only joking, that would never be said to me!) Are you exercising too much? Can you do that while you’re pregnant?

And it’s crazy that women are judged or deemed any less a mother for having c-sections. I mean we all carried a human being in our bellies right?

It’s c-section awareness month and I’m grateful to have delivered two healthy babies via c-section. 

My first child was born via an emergency c-section after I spent four days in hospital being induced. Quite simply, for me it was an horrific experience – both mentally and physically – that I would not wish upon my worse enemy.

As I found the process of being induced quite traumatic, when it seemed to be on the cards again for my second child, I opted for an elective caesarean.

Anyone who has had the procedure knows it’s NOT the easy option. It takes weeks to recover and it can be distressing when you can’t lift yourself out of bed quick enough to get to your crying baby.

I remember sitting up and sleeping on the sofa the first night at home with my son (he was in a moses basket) because it was easier and less painful.

So, let’s all be a little kinder, a little more considerate, and a lot more supportive. However we had our babies we’re all trying to find our way through this crazy thing called motherhood.

Review, things to do, Toys

BABY born Surprise – toy review


Have you seen the new BABY born Surprise collectables yet?
The brand has joined in with the unboxing craze and created little cute packages aimed at kids 3 years and over.
And we gave them a bit of a road test this week.

So, the doll is covered up when you first unwrap it in a themed swaddle blanket. One of ours was dressed in a unicorn one.
As you unwrap it further you discover the hairstyle, the eye colour (you rub off the eyelids with water) – the type of bottle reveals if it’s a boy or girl.
The ‘fun’ part is feeding the baby until the water changes the colour of the nappy.


It also comes with a birth certificate complete with games to discover your baby’s name, favourite food, birthday and star sign.
Coming up to Easter it makes a great little gift as an alternative to chocolate. At nine-years-old I think my daughter is a little older than the targeted market but if your child loves collectables, it’s perfect.

Currently retailing at about £12.


Does working from home equal free childcare?


EVEN though I work from home, I recently made the decision to pay for some extra childcare.

I’ve found it really hard to get things done for my business while attempting to keep a toddler entertained. Especially as he seems to think of me as his personal playmat – if he even senses I want to get some work done he clambers all over me!

It’s also hard because of people’s assumptions, that as you’re home every day, you must not have a ‘proper job’ or that I’m a kept woman (laughs out loud!).

The turning point for me was to realise that even though my business is based at home, I do need the dedicated time and space I would expect to get if I was leaving the house each morning and heading to the office.

I myself have to separate the two roles to help make each individual role work and be a success.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on working from home while trying to keep little ones entertained, especially any words of advice!

And if you fancy having a look at exactly what I do, please feel free to visit

Beauty, Launch, parenting, Party

Mumpreneur, or just simply an Entrepreneur? Childs Farm founder Joanna Jenson launches new fig haircare range


I’M SURE you’ve heard of the name Childs Farm? Well, if you haven’t you soon will!

The toiletries brand for little ones is fast becoming the go to for many parents looking for products made from naturally derived ingredients and essential oils. Their range is also not tested on animals, with the majority vegan friendly.

My daughter and I recently enjoyed a day out in Knightsbridge at Neville Hair and Beauty Salon to help the company launch their new fig haircare range.


The brand certainly seems to be going places at the moment with its focus on providing products for sensitive skin for both newborn and older children, affordability, and also considering the environment with its packaging.

And the new fig range smells absolutely divine!

I got the chance to chat to Childs Farm founder Joanna Jensen, who is also a mum of two like myself. And if you didn’t know, I’m also a business owner ( if you want to check it out!), so it was great to speak to someone who had made of success of her own company while attending to the duties of motherhood! Although Joanna admitted that she thought the hallowed idea of the work/life balance was a ‘myth!’


I often use the hashtag #mumpreneur on my posts, but Joanna’s response to the term has made me question it…

‘Do we use the term ‘dad-preneur’?!?’ she exclaimed.

And isn’t that true? Why do we put emphasise on the facts that we’re mums and entrepreneurs? Is it because of the juggle, or does it make us less than entrepreneurs?

It’s definitely food for thought. But for now I’m making much more use of the universal title of entrepreneur!

Beauty, Launch, parenting, Review

Johnson’s Baby – new look

Hands up whose parents used Johnson’s products on them? And hands up those of you who have used Johnson’s products on your children?

It’s likely that you’ll fall into one or the other camp, which is why the brand has such a responsibility to consumers out there.
With recent controversy facing Johnson’s Stateside it was good to be invited to learn more about their changes, hear some solid facts and try the products myself.

As parents we obviously want the best for our children so it’s good to have all the facts when making our choices.
It’s being billed as the company’s biggest relaunch in its 125 year history and while visually the changes might be subtle there appears to have been some serious research and testing going on.

Some changes include practical things like non slippery bottles, pumps on some products to make bath times easier to taking out unnecessary dyes and instead putting the familiar colours – ie orange for the classic shampoo and pink for the lotion – on the bottle itself.

The biggest difference is that they’ve reduced ingredients by 50%, taking out 400 unnecessary ingredients, plus up to 90% of those left are naturally derived.
Throughout the day they reiterated that their products were already free of parabens and phthalates and they have now removed sulphates and dyes.

We were also introduced to the new Cottontouch range, made with real cotton which has ‘been scientifically proven to elevate the emotional bond between parent and baby’.

Most of the team there admitted to using the products on themselves and I could see why. I couldn’t stop touching my hands after putting some of the lotion on.

To also help parents all the new products have been specifically designed to fit into four categories – Newborn, Active Baby, Toddler+ and the Classics.

All the changes were made with the help of 26,000 parents across the world, so it will be interesting to get some feedback from the general public once it hits shops this month.


Music, parenting, Review

(Please!) Sleep Baby Sleep – review

ANYONE who has bumped into me, or conversed with me during the last few months will probably be aware that my son is NOT a great sleeper…

So when I heard about Classic FM’s new album, Sleep Baby Sleep, produced in collaboration with baby sleep expert Jo Tantrum, I was, literally, all ears.


The 15-track album is performed by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, but each track has been specifically chosen by Jo to help calm and relax little ones, helping them to snooze.

I don’t mind a bit of classical music now and then, but admittedly it’s not my musical style of choice, but the album includes a range of recognisable tracks, for example Greensleeves, as well as more modern day hits from Adele, Michael Jackson and Ed Sheeran.

Jo recommends playing the album in the background as you carry out your bedtime routine, which we did for a couple of nights.


I can’t report back a miracle solution to your bedtime problems, but it definitely helped the entire family to wind down – even my eight year old daughter! And I think it benefited having songs from the charts which she could recognise.

Available to download on Spotify and iTunes or visit to purchase.

Launch, parenting, Party, Review, Showbiz

Tamara Eccleston talks baby no2 with The Media Mummy at L.O.L Surprise #Hairgoals Doll launch


HANDS up if you have a daughter who loves L.O.L Dolls?

If you’ve raised your hand, you can understand the levels of excitement as we walked into the venue for the launch of their latest doll, #Hairgoals.

And so I joined the likes of Tamara Ecclestone, Rochelle Humes and Katie Piper at the lovely Hershesons Berners St Salon where there were a host of people waiting to pamper our little princesses.


The kids had the chance to have their nails done, hair styled and even strut their stuff down a pink catwalk, all to mark the new dolls which come with real hair for fans to style.

Presented in a cute hairspray can, the doll comes with 15 ‘surprises’ which include a salon chair, comb and mirror. There are also 12 different dolls to unbox.

Joining the queue for nails with celebrity mum-of-one Tamara – with one eye on my toddler who was slightly less interested in nails and more in running about and hiding behind cupboards – we chatted about mum life.


The 34-year-old is mum to Fifi, her daughter with businessman Jay Rutland, and she admitted now that Fifi is four she’s looking at trying for a second child.

The socialite confided: “I’m thinking we will in a year or two.

“Fifi’s at school now and she’s comfortable in her routine, so I could just be in that baby bubble again, and focus on him or her – just like I did with Fifi.”


Tamara added: “I don’t regret waiting at all.

“There’s five years between me and my sister (Petra) and we’re the best of friends. You do what feels right for you – I’m glad I’ve done what I’ve done. I’ve enjoyed the time I’ve been able to spend with just Fifi.”

L.O.L Surprise #Hairgoals Dolls are available now and retail at about £16 each.

Beauty, Health, Launch, parenting, Review

Aveeno Baby Launches Dermexa Moisturising Wash

DID you know that more than half of parents would stop their child from playing with another child displaying an obvious skin condition because they fear it’s contagious?

Sounds shocking, but as parents we do our best to protect our children from harm, not always thinking things through before we act.

The research by Aveeno Baby came as the skincare brand launched their latest product, Dermexa Moisturing Wash.

A self-confessed fan of Aveeno Baby I was delighted to be invited to join celebrity mum Izzy Judd and dermatologist Dr Stefanie Williams to learn more over breakfast.

Not only was it a refreshing change from the school run, it was a chance to quiz the pair on how mums like me and my children could benefit from using the new product.

The launch coincided with National Eczema Week and Izzy – former member of Escala, married to McFly drummer Harry and mum to Kit and Lola – explained how her daughter Lola suffered an outbreak of eczema last year.

An Aveeno Baby ambassador she has now been using the products for three years – and hasn’t looked back.

She acknowledged the pressure felt by parents when it came to taking care of their kids’ skin – over a third surveyed admitted they would be embarrassed about their little one’s appearance during any flare up.

I’ve been using the new Moisturising Wash for a couple of weeks now and have no complaints.

Dr Stefanie also gave a few tips on the day which included applying moisturising cream to damp skin to help lock the moisture in.

Also a warning not to use skin-friendly products like Aveeno, only to go and give your child a bubble bath, which will undo all your hard work!
